Manila night life (5)Back to Manila and Home – Aug 8 – 9

Monday morning Gideon joined me for breakfast at the hotel and then off to the airport for what was supposed to be an 8:50 flight.  The waiting area was packed as all morning flights were delayed from arriving from Manila.  My flight finally got off about 10 am, so a late arrival in Manila.  I ordered an Uber cab at the airport and the ride to the church center went well and was inexpensive ($ 5.00) I don’t see how the Uber driver can pay for gas.

The seminary guest house was not available, so I got a room at Horeb House (3rd floor to drag bags).  My room had AC, the most important item.  I walked out to Shakey’s Pizza for lunch and returned to visit with Jennifer Ong in the E-CARE shop and to the church office to see Betsy Reodica.  Prime bishop ,Renato Abibico,  was available and he and I had a short conversation about our visit (Jaime was not available as he stayed at a hotel near the airport so he could get his daughter to her flight at midnight).  I then walked up to the seminary to say hello to Dean Gloria Mapangdol.  She suggested when we visit again to let her know ahead of time to schedule a class with the seminarians.

I saw Restie and some of the other seminarians on a coffee break in the refectory and we made plans to go out on the town at 8 pm.  I went back to my room and repacked my bags for the trip home, took a short rest and met Restie and Jennifer, and a seminarian at St. Luke’s medical center for a cab to a club.

We had some food and a few rounds to a loud band, playing mostly contemporary music sung in Tagalog.  The band noticed me and wanted my name and where I was from.  I got to bed about midnight and woke up about 5 am.  I thought Lloyd from the church center was going to pick me up, so I was ready at 7 am.  When he didn’t show, I sent a text to Betsy, finding out he wasn’t available, so I ordered an Uber.  It took about 2 hours to get to the airport.  Again the fare was very inexpensive – about $ 8.50. 

I met Jaime at the gate and our flight was off late due to air traffic in Manila.  We arrived in Incheon with about 20 minutes to make our connection.  The flight home was uneventful and close to on time.  We took an airport shuttle to Olympia and Jaime’s wife came to Olympia to pick him up at my house.  

St Pauls PandanI am tired and having a difficult time adjusting the time change.  The whole adventure is kind of whirling around in my head; so many places and people it’s hard to keep them straight.  It was a wonderful adventure; a little too much packed in to too few days.  I wonder when I’ll have to opportunity to return for another visit.  Opportunities that are compelling are the EDSP diocesan convention in March 2017, when we renew our Caring for All Creation Partnership and they elect a new bishop, and the consecration of the new cathedral in Davao, which is scheduled to happen in the fall of 2017.  Next trip I will build in more time to myself and a visit to Cebu.

If you’ve followed my adventures, or just happened on these travel journals, I thank you for your interest and for all the support from my wife, Debbie and my children and grandchildren; the clergy and members of St. Mary’s Church, Lakewood, WA., St. Christopher’s, Olympia, and St. Benedict’s Church, Lacey.  I’m also grateful to my traveling partner, Fr. Jaime Case, for his companionship on this trip.